Resilience tool

Indicators for accessibility, connectivity, and network resilience.
Classified network nodes based on connectivity indicators.
Identified topological type of the the network.
Network resilience according to different disruptions.
Disaggregated origin-destination data (e.g. by gender, trip purpose, travel duration, distance).
Socio-economic data.
Spatial data for the SmartHubs location and transport infrastructure.
Through an agent-based and spatial interaction modeling.
Through microsimulation, if the O-D, spatial, and socioeconomic data is not available.
Using an online software (Spinmodel) to calibrate the model and to compute the indicators.
For more details about the process, click here.
When the location of the mobility hub has been defined.
Or to assess potential locations.
To compare potential locations and their impact through accessibility analysis.
To measure the resilience of a network.
To simulate the impact of the mobility hub in the network resilience.
To evaluate accessibility impacts of mobility hubs on vulnerable-to-exclusion population.